Last time I promised pictures of the finished panel. Here you can see it stitched up to the side part. As you can see I have stitched the sides so the 'flaps' stayed down. It made the panel much easier to work with.
After this I just followed the instructions from the pattern. It was fairly easy.
Here's a picture of the first and only fitting. Since it fit right away I didn't have to alter anything. I might allow a little more seam around my bust, but on the whole it fitter quite nicely.
As you can see it doesn't really close that well but I have not put in all the hooks. Nor did I bother to hem and sleeve it. I might decide to put in a regular old zipper or buttons. Haven't really decided as of yet.So this was Friday when I finished the protoype bodice. That night I went to check on my fabric order. Only to be horrified when I couldn't find my order. When searching the site I realized I never got an email confirming my order, just the email from Paypal that my payment was made.
Luckily after GREAT service from Phil at who responded quickly on my emails everything was straightened out and I received the silk yesterday(tuesday) afternoon.
Here's a picture of me, the prototype bodice on the left and the cut pieces of the skirt on the right.
It's a beautiful deep red colour and very sturdy fabric. I wanted to use the same fabric as the protoype for lining, but decided that lining wasn't necessary for the skirt. Although I still might line the bodice since it does need some extra thickness.
Hopefully I can show more pictures tomorrow.